Crowdfunding: How to Grow Your Money, One Project at a Time


Ever dreamed about being on the ground floor of something huge? Maybe you're scrolling through social media and see this amazing project pop up—a cool new tech gadget, a revolutionary app, or maybe a local restaurant that’s about to redefine pizza night. And you think, "I want in!" 

Well, with crowdfunding, you can! And here’s the best part: it could turn out to be a smart investment move—if you can stomach the risk

What is Crowdfunding, Anyway?

Creators post a project on a crowdfunding platform, explaining what they’re trying to do, how they plan to do it, and what they need in terms of funding (read: money). Then, people like you and me decide to chip in to help make it happen. 

This method allows creators to fund projects without begging banks or traditional investors. And you get a chance to step into the shoes of a venture capitalist (*minus the billion-dollar bank account).

But for as many headlines proclaiming "Project X raises millions overnight!" there are even more projects that don't make it. Just like we tell our kids, doing your homework is important. 

Here’s what you need to know before you start:

Crowdfunding 101

The Different Types of Crowdfunding

Rewards-Based: In this model, you contribute money in exchange for a reward, such as the product itself or other related items. You’re basically pre-ordering something you’d probably end up buying anyway, often at a discount. 

Equity-Based: A bit more advanced, this is where you actually get a stake in the company in exchange for your contribution—and where the real potential for financial return lies. If the company takes off, so does your investment. 

Donation-Based: In this scenario, you give money because you believe in the cause, without expecting financial return. 

Build into Your Long-term Financial Plan

Adding crowdfunding to your financial strategy can be a wise move to boost your family finances. Equity crowdfunding presents an opportunity for gains from startups, while rewards-based options can offer savings on future purchases and support products you care about. 

Choose Where to Invest

There are several platforms out there, each with its own style:

StartEngine: StartEngine lets you jump into startup investing early, offering a chance to own a piece of the next big thing. And one of the cool things we liked about this platform in particular is that it allows you to search by industry, so you can stay in more familiar territory. Plus, you can filter by status based on things like the newest project or ones that are most funded. 

Wefunder: Another equity crowdfunding platform, Wefunder also lets you sort projects by industry. But what's really cool is you can team up with top investors, adding an extra layer of excitement to your investments.

Republic: If you're into tech, Republic's your spot. It's mainly focused on tech startups, so if that's your thing, it's worth a look. It might not offer as much variety in industries, but tech enthusiasts will feel right at home.

Yieldstreet: Similar to StartEngine, Yieldstreet covers startup venture capital and more. It branches out into different asset classes, including private equity. Just a heads-up, though—it's mainly for accredited investors.

Kiva: Here's where your investments can make a difference. Kiva allows you to lend to borrowers seeking microloans, all while supporting causes you care about.

Making Your First Move

Found a project that’s caught your interest? Great, now:

  1. Read up: Carefully read through the project description to understand its goals and who's behind it. Look for creators with a clear plan, a solid track record, or, at least, a compelling pitch. 

  2. Invest wisely: Decide how much you’re comfortable investing. The fact is, there’s risk involved, so never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Weighing the Risks and Rewards

Here’s the not-so-secret secret: investing in crowdfunding projects is risky business. Projects might get delayed, not meet expectations, or, in rare cases, not come to life at all. And that’s your family’s hard-earned cash on the line.

But here’s the flip side: when a project you back takes off, the rewards can be more than just financial. Whether it’s getting a first-run product, helping a community project take off, or just the thrill of being part of something from the ground up, crowdfunding can help turn your investments into impactful stories worth sharing.

Tips for Investors

Now that we’ve covered the basics, here’s how to thrive in the crowdfunding world:

  • Diversify: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. To help manage risk, consider backing multiple projects with smaller amounts rather than going all-in on just one. 

  • Know your limits: Only invest what you can afford to lose (*read that again). Crowdfunding is not a guaranteed win, so it’s wise to play it safe with your finances.

  • Be patient: Some projects will explode overnight. Others simmer. Be prepared for ups and downs along the way.

  • Start small: Your first pledge doesn’t have to be huge. Dip your toes in with an amount you’re comfortable with.

  • Stay engaged: Keeping an eye on updates can give you insights and maybe even a heads-up if things are going sideways.

Final Thoughts

That's crowdfunding in a nutshell. Ultimately, it's an investment approach where your family can find satisfaction in knowing your contribution supports more than just profit, but purpose.

Whether you’re into cutting-edge tech, supporting the arts, or helping someone in need, there’s a project out there just waiting for your backing—if you’re willing to accept the risks.

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